

placed an order with us - 英中 - Linguee

大量翻译例句关于placed an order with us – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

placing an order with us - 英中 - Linguee



8 天前 · PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT, BET, ORDER, ETC.翻譯:登廣告/打賭/下訂單等。了解更多。

What does place an order with mean?

When you place an order it means you tell someone what you want to buy from them and agree a price (you might pay when you place the order or you might pay ...

We are placing the order with you.

Is it correct to say We are placing the order with you. ? I feel like there is something annoying me in this sentence.

How to place an order 如何下订单

How to place an order 如何下订单 ... I'd like to place an order for... 我想下個訂單… We're going to need... 我們需要… Could you send... 能不能發送 ...

to place an order for sth with sb 的简体中文翻译

to place an order for sth with sb. 向某人定購某物. She placed an order for ... Thank you, sir, your papers seem to be in order. 謝謝您,先生,您的資料看 ...

place an order

place an order(phr) 翻譯: 在你下訂單前,你必須三思 。

Place An Order的意思

So you call up a Canadian lumber mill, tell them you'd like to place an order... 所以你打給一間加拿大木材工廠,告訴他們你想要下訂單... 觀賞完整 ...

電話下訂Placing an Order (下) - 生活英語廣播文章- 免費學習

I would like to confirm my dinner reservation. 我想要確認晚餐的訂位資料。 The police confirmed that the man was murdered. 警方證實這名男子是被謀殺的。